Sunday, May 20, 2012

Many of us already know smoking is injurious to health. When a person is smoking,during inhaling nicotin is pumped into lungs, blood cells. After a period of time the blood cells habituated to nicotin, which makes the person addicted to smoking. With excessive smoking, it can cause blood cancer or lung cancer, which can lead to death of the person. during exhaling the nicotin can be absorbed by people standing around him even though they are not smoking. Those innocent lifes also get affected with them. so It has to be made a strict rule to avoid it in a public places for various other reasons as well.

To begin with, in some countries youth simply the follow the cinema stars from the movie industry, In the movie when hero smoke the ciggerete with different styles people blindly follow them. After a while they slowly will become addicted to them. It is imporant censorboard should implement strict rules on those kind of activies.

Secondly public smoking in open areas parks, community centers and public grounds. can cause the health issues to the people who come refershment activites like playing, walking and jogging.

Additionally the Government should also provide the awareness programs through TV news papers the repercussion of smoking in public places.

In summary I feel the public smoking should be banned in all countries for the benefit of it's citizens.

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